Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sore Throat Hard Gland

Reporting, Charting with DataTime

DataTime allows the inclusion of texts, graphics, pictures and gauge in a completely customized by the user, through the window ' Report Composer '.

Example Report:

In this case it was possible to construct the gauge or dashboard, that tool to represent the values \u200b\u200bof individual cells through the window ' multichat Designer' ' . This window allows you to create two-dimensional graphics and three-dimensional choosing colors and properties.
If you want to change the style of table you must click the right mouse button. From the pulldown menu click sulla voce ' Grid Styles' , comparirà allora la finestra 'Bulk Style Changes ' che consente di modificare il layout della tabella con stili già presenti nel software o creandone di nuovi.


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