Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sklep Internetowy Jaki Asortyment

Thanks Supreme Court!

Certo, sarebbe stata meglio una vittoria. Ma una vittoria piena, ovvero con la maggioranza in entrambe le camere. L’eventuale ribaltamento della situazione, da molti auspicato, da parte della Cassazione, avrebbe prodotto un mostro a due teste: maggioranza di centrodestra alla Camera e maggioranza (seppur risicatissima) del centrosinistra al Senato. Ma per fortuna (!?!) le cose non sono andate così, e l’incarico di governo andrà a Romano Prodi. Nell’ipotesi paventata prima invece, ci sarebbe stata una situazione ibrida, in cui entrambi gli schieramenti avrebbero potuto “reclamare” l’incarico governativo, nonostante le diverse proporzioni della maggioranza della Camera rispetto a quella del Senato. La qual cosa, soprattutto dopo l’apertura di Berlusconi ad un governo di larghe intese, avrebbe probabilmente prodotto un papokkio: governo istituzionale da affidare a una personalità esterna ai due schieramenti, ampia maggioranza parlamentare con tutti i grandi partiti dentro, agenda ridotta all’osso con pochi punti condivisi (ma per la finanziaria?), modifica della legge elettorale e nuovo ricorso alle urne. Beh, messa così non sarebbe poi tanto male, visto che una non vittoria si potrebbe comunque ribaltare nel giro di un anno, sempre che tutto ciò sia poi vero. Ma un ritorno al voto, tra un anno o giù di lì, non è comunque un’ipotesi peregrina, direi che è anzi likely. All this, however, will depend on how the House of Freedoms will want it really.

Now we have left in the hands of the Prodi lit match, knowing that it will not be able to go ahead with his program of government, buffeted from side to side a thousand different pressures that will mature in his coalition. Great move designed to evoke the large, provided that it is done (no doubt) in the knowledge that Prodi and his angry, refused. In fact, now it's up to them to demonstrate its capability to govern alone ... ... It would certainly be preferable, for Prodino, find a person that he does think, demonstrated the impossibility to move forward with these assumptions, and persuades him to make a speech like "the country is split in two: the face of this situation, with a strong sense of responsibility, despite having won the elections and has a majority can rule, I think it's best to find an agreement between the two poles so as to form a government institution that changes this infamous electoral law and to take us to new elections soon ... "Unfortunately for him, however, can not possibly do this speech, which perhaps some long-standing political and thinking of the center will also come to mind, his definitive death penalty (which however will not be long) from the political scene. Anyway resistance also coming from the extreme wings of the line, eventually cut off from governissimo (they are called out on their own anyway), and in any case obliged to respond to its constituency of hard-core, which does include such an option. Prodi is forced, given the situation, to reach out to the nth fool of his political career ...

But are we really sure that this government will be short lived? I assume so, unless the CDL does not want to burn with the match, which in turn is the left hand. This strange election has in fact meant that the matches lighted, instead of one, are two. I'm convinced that no voter would be able Degree to understand the reason for a long stay in the center-left government under these conditions, having the center many cards to play. The match remained in the hands of the leader of the CDL is precisely this, namely the commitment made to their voters, but never rigalvanizzati from this campaign and are ready to get back on the field (but who knows for how long ... we need to hurry up deploy troops once more before the moderates fell asleep again). It would be detrimental to stand still and wait for the river that passes the corpse of this government. The CDL needs to do, responsibly, the good of Italy, or accelerate the departure of Mr Prodi and his ministers with the means at his disposal. That this time, there are many, given the representation in the Senate very thick. This government (but never will be formed?) Will in fact only two likely to last long (who knows what then ...). The first is that merely making a lot less ordinary, casting campicchiare, minicontentini giving all the members of the coalition, telling everyone that this is the only way forward, at least to age for the newly elected terms for the well-deserved retirement from parliamentary ... I think frankly this is unlikely to happen. The second chance is that Prodi's face recruitment drive in the array of center-right, but in the hope of not losing some of its ultras disgusted dagli eventuali nuovi arrivi. Anche questa, sinceramente, mi sembra un’ipotesi peregrina, non tanto per le dichiarazioni di compattezza della CdL ascoltate in questi giorni (tra il dire il fare c’è di mezzo il mare, specialmente quando si parla di prebende da incassare), quanto perché mi sembra poco oculato fare il passaggio di campo proprio quando lo schieramento opposto è in evidente difficoltà, precludendosi poi la possibilità di una eventuale rielezione, cosa alla quale i parlamentari tengono molto, magari anche a breve (quale dei due schieramenti lo candiderebbe? Certamente non quello tradito, ma probabilmente nemmeno l’altro). E allora, per evitare di scottarsi, il centrodestra faccia un’opposizione tough, uncompromising, and soon the Prodi government will be forced to go home. The game is mostly in the hands of senators, of course, but also of the party leader, who will ensure that the Senate will not be repeated painful scenes seen in the last legislature, when the Berlusconi government was outvoted on several occasions because of the absence of members of the center. The lesson they have suffered, I hope that they were also able to learn it. The strategy is simple: just be present for the Senate, with one leg inside the classroom and out, and evaluate from time to time if necessary to get to vote (when one realizes that in the majority) or to request quorum (and then to suspend the session, thus blocking the parliamentary work). Not a measure could pass, or perhaps a ... Easy, right? Of course, one must be present for the Senate, but that's the meaning of the match in the hands of the CDL, which is the fulfillment of commitments to the electorate (at least the presence in the classroom ...)

With this background, the season the opposition promises to be rather short. It is also obvious that, if you were really vote again in a few months, the center would be very much in anguish, is the inability to revive a coalition frantumatasi into a thousand pieces, is the difficulty in spiegare ai suoi elettori il perché di una “stagione di governo” praticamente nata morta. E allora, apriamo il cuore alla speranza…

Monday, March 27, 2006

Daisy Scout Patch Placement

Paul Colli ... this!

È passato ormai un anno da quando ci hai salutato, con il tuo solito fare beffardo. Solo che noi non eravamo pronti, come spesso ci accadeva con le tue sorprese. Ancora adesso, a dodici mesi di distanza, con il tempo che lenisce il dolore e sutura le ferite, quell'addio repentino ci lascia un vuoto difficile da colmare. Ora ti immagino lassù, insieme a Macedone, così diversi ma così uguali, e come al solito starete discutendo animatamente: tu starai cercando di convincerlo ad essere un pò più risoluto, mentre al contrario lui starà inseguendo la perfezione ad ogni costo.
Eri frenesia allo stato puro, sempre con qualcosa da fare, sempre con nuovi progetti, mai con le mani in mano. Ogni cosa presa di petto, sfrontatamente, anche la malattia, che avrebbe potuto aspettare perché prima c'era l'ospedale in Nigeria che aveva bisogno di te. E c'erano i tuoi ragazzi, quelli di Fare Verde , cui dare sempre nuovi stimoli e fornire continuamente nuovi orizzonti. Era questa la tua forza ed era questo l'esempio che ci fornivi, quell'aver saputo incarnare fin oltre il limite il sapersi donare. Ed è il tuo esempio quello che oggi, più di ogni altra cosa, ci manca. Anche se then, like magic for a small or large, we still have before our eyes or our side, because who has the gift of action and its comet on this earth, can continue their journey in the footsteps of his fellow continue to travel the path set.
is a spell, but is also a commitment, hard, you've left. And who knows if we, the poor "crackers", we will be up. The road is long, sometimes paved, but most often unpaved and full of holes, and sometimes it would take your scooter to avoid congestion that we often encounter. We have collected a witness and try to bring it forward as possible, before passing it to ourselves, Macedonian but you and there you have it passed too soon. Now I'm having to watch us from above, and then join us and maybe, if you can, place signs clearly visible on our way, impossible to avoid routes. Dear Paul
Tomorrow I will not be with others, I will be away from Rome and did not sing with a thousand other voices. I will, at least for a moment, alone in a whisper. But I am convinced that I feel.

"Defeated six not tear when you cry and your heart, beat six when he stops dreaming."

PS This post arrives two days late, even though it was written at the right time, because, scoundrel that I am, I could not carve out enough space to publish

PPS anchor Paul, admirably, the 'Anarca

Friday, March 24, 2006

How Long Do A Hair Relaxer Last After Mixing It

Face ass (for a minimum elegant)

That noble woman by the name of Giuliana Sgrena never loses an opportunity to kick-start the brain before giving breath to the mouth. Not that there is perhaps to be expected that in the case can not turn his minutes and start that pile of brain matter, but only if he were speaking to neurons (few) started, at least we would save most of the pearls that sometimes come out of his mouth. And in the best traditions, do not lose the occasion, the noblewoman above, to spread poison and foment hatred and violence.
The ultimate performance in this respect has provided two days ago
Ciampi criticized for giving the gold medal to the value of civil Fabrizio Quattrocchi , reiterating for the umpteenth time that this is a mercenary, not so deserving of such recognition. Not content with the nonsense already fired several (hundreds, thousands, perhaps millions of bullets ... complotto americano per ucciderla e per impedirle di fare scottanti rivelazioni, che stiamo ancora aspettando…) ha voluto sottolineare un concetto facile facile, ad uso e consumo del riconoscente e variegato popolo degli ultrà della sinistra pacifistaterzomondistalaicistantiamericanafiloterroristaeccetera, giusto per attizzare un po’ gli animi e dimostrare il suo profondo rispetto per la morte di una persona. Più o meno lo stesso rispetto dimostrato verso Nicola Calipari quando, in occasione della commemorazione della sua morte e dell’inaugurazione di un cippo a lui dedicato nella sede del Sismi, si è ben guardata dal presenziare alla cerimonia. Alla compagnia della famiglia dell’uomo che sacrificò la propria vita per salvarla e a quella del Presidente Ciampi ha preferito quella del suo caro Pier, probabilmente impegnato con lei in una estenuante partita di scala quaranta. La immagino, sul comodo divano, tra una mano e l’altra, a sparlare delle istituzioni (le stesse che le hanno salvato la vita), dei servizi segreti (immancabilmente deviati), di Berlusconi (lui un posto al sole lo trova sempre e comunque, diavolo di un cavaliere…). O forse, invece di una rilassante partitina a carte, la vedo impegnata a fare bene i conti dei diritti introitati con il suo libro, invariabilmente edito da Feltrinelli, in cui rievoca la vicenda che la vide protagonista in Iraq. A proposito di mercenari… ma chi è più meritevole di essere così definito, Fabrizio Quattrocchi o Giuliana Sgrena? Il primo era in Iraq per lavorare, facendo un lavoro difficile e ad alto rischio, con l’obiettivo di garantire la sicurezza di alcune persone e di stabilizzare una situazione incandescente, più o meno quindi con lo stesso mandato che l’Onu (questo orpello inutile delle “democrazie” mondiali) ha conferito alle proprie truppe, anch’esse armate, guarda un po’… La Sgrena invece ha ignobilmente sfruttato il sacrificio di una persona, non una persona qualunque ma quella che le ha salvato la vita, per scrivere un libro che certamente sarà di assoluto rilievo nel prossimo futuro per spiegare le dinamiche geopolitiche che hanno portato the war in Iraq. A book that at worst campeggerà on the shelves of so many useful idiots, assuring a minimum of glory (the glory of idiots should always be proud of ...) and not just a slight increase in the bank account. It is a book that explains the events in Iraq, is not a book to commemorate a hero, having regard to the respect shown for the first occasion hinted at Calipari. It is a book to make money. How many. However, with the aggravating circumstance of having been written on the skin of the person who saved his life by sacrificing his own. About mercenaries ...

PS without intent and without denigrating temptation of easy ironies, I merely stated that the sacrifice of Nicola Calipari was unfortunately useless.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Schematics Homemade Vhf Balun Transformers

Impar condicio

Paolo Mieli, a editorial that sweeps away any misunderstanding, falls directly in the field in favor of Prodi and the center. No surprise, let alone in believing that Mr Prodi is not then it goes more to the political sympathies of honey, which instead looks with rapt admiration Rutelli, in the hope that the future (futuristic?) Democratic Party can do to the case of those powers that certainly are not strangers and that have long since started to do more to support the coalition left.

Lucia Annunziata, a journalist nota non tanto per la sua imparzialità quanto per l’eleganza e la pacatezza nei toni, oltre che per il fascino , manda in onda una fantastica puntata della sua trasmissione su RaiTre con Berlusconi, in cui è capace di rivestire il doppio ruolo di intervistatrice e intervistata. Fa una domanda e si risponde con un’altra domanda mentre il premier prova inutilmente ad argomentare. E poi un’altra risposta sotto forma di una nuova domanda. E così via... Mirabolante...

Ma la chicca di questi giorni l’ha fornita la premiata ditta Petruccioli&Gentiloni, con la partecipazione straordinaria dell’ bagged most famous of Italian politics. Here, briefly, as we have been delighted ...
P & G: Rules decided on, there will be two debates and a final press conference of Prime Minister
G : Prodi if he refuses to come I do not think we can give Berlusconi the space to the regulations approved
P : Rai is in trouble, I hope you solve all
G : propose to the President of the RAI to cancel the debate
P : the debate on Rai can not be done, shall be canceled
P & G : Well, if Berlusconi withdrew the final press conference and Prodi is available, then, with strict rules, there will be a debate, it all worked out for the best ...

Remember, for future reference, that Lucia Annunziata has been appointed President of the RAI by the Berlusconi government. Paolo Mieli was indicated by the same government as the successor of the former. Finally, Claudio Petruccioli Rai is the current President, even with the Berlusconi government in the saddle. Government, in order not to miss anything the opposition has made provision to give the President of the Parliamentary Supervisory Commission Mr Paolo Gentiloni, a member of the Margherita. Remember, for future reference. In the hope that the lesson to be served and that are not taken more appointments "shared" so as not to be the cause of evil then we cry.

Today will be aired and then the beautiful statues, with pre-shot, no documents, the same location, same makeup, dress, tie, maybe even the same voice (something like dubbing for both ...), the same time (hopefully not same number of words that are fresh to the rhythm of Prodi ...), same number of pre-recorded applause at the same intensity ...
addition to the two candidates, there will be Clemente Mimun in the role of referee, since virtually useless and will not be able to ask questions a mixture of a timekeeper and a pippobaudo whatsoever. Questions will be asked instead that the two journalists accredited, or Roberto Napoletano, director of Il Messaggero, and Marcello Sorgi, a columnist for La Stampa. Two newspapers clearly aligned to the left.
So much for level playing field.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

5 Month Old Has A Chest Cough

The hand of hope for the West

Who will this child be?

And this?
It 's always him, a few years away.

And this with the parents?
him again shortly after.

Nothing wrong with that. A child growing up surrounded by the affection of the father and mother. His name is Samuel.

This is his story.

What will be great I do not know, because it now has another seven years. And do not even know if twenty or thirty years will deserve all this attention, on becoming a genius in physics or a famous actor. Or do they will be a good family man, with his wife and his children, so perfect as to be unknown to most people, any man in the classic style. All this is not really important, or at least not as important as other people. For Samuel, can already imagine a future is something extraordinary. It is probably still too small, but growing up will know of his incredible story, which began immediately, without stunning. His life seemed to be marked when it was still in the womb and only the strength and determination of her parents have made that Samuel can now play with other children and their future dream. The strength and determination, but above all love. Love for a life that seemed to go off at dawn that morning and instead has passed, and now is preparing to meet in the morning and the rest of the day. Love for a life to which Samuel si è letteralmente "aggrappato", facendo sentire forte la sua voce senza emettere neppure un suono, ma mandando un inequivocabile segnale di volerla vivere, quella vita.
Un bambino forte e determinato. E genitori ancora più forti e coraggiosi. Hanno preso una strada irta e piena di ostacoli, quando magari altri avrebbero fatto una scelta più semplice, certamente dolorosa, ma innegabilmente più semplice. Genitori che hanno fatto una scelta d’amore. E di vita. Altri, forse, avrebbero fatto una scelta diversa.

Friday, February 24, 2006

What Size Syringe For 5,000 Units Hep

In attesa di tornare ad un più frequente aggiornamento la prossima settimana, colgo l'occasione per aderire all' appello lanciato da Marcello Pera. Un appello che sottolinea, se ancora ce ne fosse bisogno, quanto sia grande la crisi in cui versa l'Occidente. Attaccato dall'esterno e soprattutto dall'interno, si rifiuta vilmente di combattere, arrivando perfino a rinnegare la propria identità e le proprie tradizioni. Troppa mollezza, troppa pochezza, troppa paura. Troppe quinte colonne. Se non saremo capaci di affermare con forza quello che siamo, difficilmente avremo qualcosa da difendere quando ce ne sarà bisogno. E non è detto che questo "quando" sia così lontano nel tempo. Forse è già alle porte. Forse le ha già oltrepassate... E noi stiamo seriamente correndo il rischio di farci trovare impreparati...

This is the full text of this appeal.
This the page to join.

Friday, February 3, 2006

South Park Studies Slow

Without words. As a cartoon ...

These are the cartoons that are creating much controversy in recent days. I always wait for Europe to make itself heard, which continues to prostrate themselves as the worst cowards on earth, I stopped to identify with his pants at every turn, reaffirming their identity and our values, those that allow us to be free.

"... a divided Europe, bleeding, who calls her sons to rally to resume, based on modern, the old firm Charlemagne

(Charles De Gaulle)

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Wedding Invitation To Friends

Left have it with Ruini. Me too! Women with balls

We are now in the election campaign, although the parliament has been dissolved. I would say that this is a fact. And during the election campaign programs, or assumed, the political forces are exposed to the voters. And here nothing to say. And the voters, with valuations that everyone is descended from their belief, they judge them as proposed by the contenders. Here, too, nothing strange. However, if you make a final assessment of Cardinal Ruini, for him or any member of the Catholic Church, open up the sky! Unwanted influence on Italian politics, the papal Curia, which moves to the Palazzo Chigi, excommunication for those who do not think like around San Pietro, and so on and so forth.

And that, in hindsight, without any proceedings, however, awaited me as I believe many others, has been formulated. The only things the cardinal has been limited to say the detentions have been calls for voters and candidates, to respect
" that content is essential, based on the primacy and centrality of the human person," not are "special rules of Catholic morality", but "elementary truths that concern our common humanity " .
Nothing more. Sure, well specified that the main problems affecting the family based on marriage and the respect for human life from conception until its natural end.
He hinted that perhaps is not really conducive to civil unions, preferring by far a society still based on marriage between man and woman. So what? What's that mean? Necessarily have to be on the side of civil unions to have licenses to liberalism and not be accused of obscurantism or worse? Or you can safely continue to believe that marriage between a man and woman is the foundation of society and that civil unions are nothing but a product of the relativistic positivism that raises any right to his own desire? He suggested perhaps
, Cardinal Ruini, who when he speaks of respect for life refers abortion practices, back in the limelight thanks to the controversy that arose with the parliamentary investigation on the law 194. But not only. It probably also refers to experiments on embryonic stem cells and "sweet death." For the second time, so what?
You can not? As before, you're forced to be on the side of political correctness or you can get married in the middle of the culture of life?
Indeed, precisely to avoid controversy, the Cardinal Runi had said that "
in view of forthcoming elections confirm the first line of not involve us, as a Church and then as the clergy and ecclesial bodies, in any choice of political party or party. "
E allora io proprio non capisco le lamentele e le indignazioni che si sono levate a sinistra. Cosa hanno da blaterare?

Io, piuttosto, ho motivo di avercela con Ruini. Io dico, ma che ci voleva a dire qualcosa di più? Se proprio non voleva dire per chi votare, poteva almeno dire quali sono le forze politiche che propugnano idee diametralmente opposte a quelle su esposte… e magari anche a quale schieramento appartengono…
Io dico, ma che ci voleva?

Monday, January 30, 2006

Engine For 99 Yukon Denali

Lei : “ Indispensabile portare Teheran davanti al Consiglio di Sicurezza for the nuclear dossier. "

you : "Nothing Eurofound extremists."

you . In the true sense of the word ...

Friday, January 27, 2006

Suportcreativ Ct 6840

Indecent Proposal

While I was about to leave the house this morning, I turned on the television for a while and I found myself in front of the face of the outstanding professor Prrrrodi, aka Mortadella. I could hardly believe it, had reappeared after a long period of neglect. He finally accepted a comparison, I thought ... but not with Berlusconi, or another of the three points which will have in campagna elettorale, visto che la cosa non è stata pubblicizzata e che comunque non si sarebbe potuta tenere di prima mattina… vediamo un po’ cosa avrà da dire e soprattutto come saprà rispondere agli affondi del nostro…
E invece niente, non c’era nessun politico… oltre il mortadella. Appunto, nessun politico…
Il suo faccione ingombrante riempiva lo schermo (che brutto inizio di giornata) e parlava a vanvera, elencando la solita serie di provvedimenti… abbasseremo il costo del lavoro (ma come?)… rilanceremo l’economia (ma come?)… aumenteremo i redditi (ma come?)… ridaremo credibilità internazionale al nostro paese (certo, magari facendo business with a dictator and then bombing it, see Serbia )
... really embarrassing. For the left, obviously. Although I think there was who, with consummate cynicism, has enjoyed the show from home, laughing and basking in his sleeve of the acts of its candidate for prime minister (that I turned it inside out) ...
Now We just have to find it, pull it out of the closet, dust the mothballs to get him properly fed into the elections after his Compagnucci, bring it on television. That's why so much fear of the dreaded left for postponement of elections ... they had calculated the dose di naftalina giusto giusto per metà aprile…

Ed ecco la proposta indecente: visto che abbiamo ancora due settimane di lavori parlamentari a disposizione, perché non facciamo una leggina che obbliga al confronto televisivo coloro che chiedono il voto agli italiani in qualità di futuri premier? Sarebbe, come dicono quelli bravi, una cosa asssssolutamente democratica…

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Vtech Battleship Instructions

Hamas won: be true glory?

Sembrava, pur tra mille ostacoli, che il processo di pace in Medio Oriente stesse avviandosi sulla buona strada. Grazie a persone coraggiose, prima tra tutte il primo ministro israeliano Sharon, che aveva messo da Part years of intransigent positions to envisage a brighter future for your country. And thanks to the new Palestinian leadership, headed by the President Abu Mazen, for the first time in years it appeared in the presence of Israel as a serious partner, decided to challenge in a surly anti-Zionist fanatics that are springing up from parts of Jerusalem. It seemed, despite the many funerals, the tears of mothers, the children martyrs in the name of madness, which intravedesse the banner at the end of the race. A banner yet far enough to read the word goal, but close enough to be able to distinguish the contours. A banner of a race with many stages, which had become a butcher open this piece of land, a crossroads of three great monotheistic religions and strategic landing point of the entire Mediterranean region. It seemed, despite almost insurmountable difficulties, that the way the two states for two peoples had finally prevailed and we could give over to a new historical phase. After years in which the right of the State of Israel was constantly denied by the Palestinian leadership, perhaps too little attention to the real needs of their people.

seemed yesterday ... but the unexpected happened ... perhaps unexpected ...

Hamas won the Palestinian elections, putting at risk the peace process with Israel. It will be said that is what he wanted the Palestinian people and must therefore be respected to the end.

But is this true? Palestinians do not truly want a better future for what promises to them now? And Hamas will give it to him? How? Wielding the sword of Islam and stressing the need for the destruction of Israel? How do I start not bad, given that one of the leaders of Hamas, Mahmoud Zahar, has just made statements to this effect.

And this leadership and this government must necessarily be recognized by the international community? The EU has placed Hamas in its list of terrorist organizations. Acting on them, refusing to recognize this government. Do not make the first move, giving legitimacy to Hamas will, in the hope that they can then change the tenor of the statements and the resulting political action. Not to grant recognition. At least until such time as they laid down their arms (Hamas is an armed party, incredible to say in a land that has free elections to give himself the appearance of democracy ...) and will not be recognized Israel's right to exist. Pace of Solon, abundant in Europe and Italy, which tore their clothes to seek recognition of the Palestinian government.

Then maybe things will change ...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Age Of Empires 2.0a Please Insert Cd Multiplayer

To start with ... but he made me do?

E vabbè… dopo aver tanto pensato al da farsi, comincio a scrivere qualcosa anche io. Non che ci sia stato un avvenimento particolare che mi ha spinto a farlo, è solo che ho “vinto” le mie titubanze relative al tempo che ho a disposizione per questo genere di avventura. Comunque ormai ho deciso, ci provo.

Sarò certamente incostante…
Sarò certamente provocatore…
Sarò certamente di parte…

Sarò semplicemente… il barone Black