Friday, February 24, 2006

What Size Syringe For 5,000 Units Hep

In attesa di tornare ad un più frequente aggiornamento la prossima settimana, colgo l'occasione per aderire all' appello lanciato da Marcello Pera. Un appello che sottolinea, se ancora ce ne fosse bisogno, quanto sia grande la crisi in cui versa l'Occidente. Attaccato dall'esterno e soprattutto dall'interno, si rifiuta vilmente di combattere, arrivando perfino a rinnegare la propria identità e le proprie tradizioni. Troppa mollezza, troppa pochezza, troppa paura. Troppe quinte colonne. Se non saremo capaci di affermare con forza quello che siamo, difficilmente avremo qualcosa da difendere quando ce ne sarà bisogno. E non è detto che questo "quando" sia così lontano nel tempo. Forse è già alle porte. Forse le ha già oltrepassate... E noi stiamo seriamente correndo il rischio di farci trovare impreparati...

This is the full text of this appeal.
This the page to join.

Friday, February 3, 2006

South Park Studies Slow

Without words. As a cartoon ...

These are the cartoons that are creating much controversy in recent days. I always wait for Europe to make itself heard, which continues to prostrate themselves as the worst cowards on earth, I stopped to identify with his pants at every turn, reaffirming their identity and our values, those that allow us to be free.

"... a divided Europe, bleeding, who calls her sons to rally to resume, based on modern, the old firm Charlemagne

(Charles De Gaulle)

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Wedding Invitation To Friends

Left have it with Ruini. Me too! Women with balls

We are now in the election campaign, although the parliament has been dissolved. I would say that this is a fact. And during the election campaign programs, or assumed, the political forces are exposed to the voters. And here nothing to say. And the voters, with valuations that everyone is descended from their belief, they judge them as proposed by the contenders. Here, too, nothing strange. However, if you make a final assessment of Cardinal Ruini, for him or any member of the Catholic Church, open up the sky! Unwanted influence on Italian politics, the papal Curia, which moves to the Palazzo Chigi, excommunication for those who do not think like around San Pietro, and so on and so forth.

And that, in hindsight, without any proceedings, however, awaited me as I believe many others, has been formulated. The only things the cardinal has been limited to say the detentions have been calls for voters and candidates, to respect
" that content is essential, based on the primacy and centrality of the human person," not are "special rules of Catholic morality", but "elementary truths that concern our common humanity " .
Nothing more. Sure, well specified that the main problems affecting the family based on marriage and the respect for human life from conception until its natural end.
He hinted that perhaps is not really conducive to civil unions, preferring by far a society still based on marriage between man and woman. So what? What's that mean? Necessarily have to be on the side of civil unions to have licenses to liberalism and not be accused of obscurantism or worse? Or you can safely continue to believe that marriage between a man and woman is the foundation of society and that civil unions are nothing but a product of the relativistic positivism that raises any right to his own desire? He suggested perhaps
, Cardinal Ruini, who when he speaks of respect for life refers abortion practices, back in the limelight thanks to the controversy that arose with the parliamentary investigation on the law 194. But not only. It probably also refers to experiments on embryonic stem cells and "sweet death." For the second time, so what?
You can not? As before, you're forced to be on the side of political correctness or you can get married in the middle of the culture of life?
Indeed, precisely to avoid controversy, the Cardinal Runi had said that "
in view of forthcoming elections confirm the first line of not involve us, as a Church and then as the clergy and ecclesial bodies, in any choice of political party or party. "
E allora io proprio non capisco le lamentele e le indignazioni che si sono levate a sinistra. Cosa hanno da blaterare?

Io, piuttosto, ho motivo di avercela con Ruini. Io dico, ma che ci voleva a dire qualcosa di più? Se proprio non voleva dire per chi votare, poteva almeno dire quali sono le forze politiche che propugnano idee diametralmente opposte a quelle su esposte… e magari anche a quale schieramento appartengono…
Io dico, ma che ci voleva?